Attack other ninja, get stronger at the Dojo
Explore the map, attack monsters, and gather loot.
Pick a clan join it's membership, or grow strong enough to create your own, and then wage war on other ninja clans.
Live by the Shuriken, and avoid death if you can, or else prepare to embrace it.
Crafted with care by Roy Ronalds and the rest of the NinjaWars team since 2002
I'm a game dev/software architect, and have been coding ninjawars since about 2003.
Game Dev & Web Software Architect
Here's a bit of a peek at what we use to build the game.
When starting the game, here are a few recommended approaches to take
The tiger ninja has an easy set of offensive skills for a starting player. For live player dueling, you can always change your mind and become a Viper Ninja later.
Become a Tiger NinjaIf you find yourself low on weaponry or even money, attack theives for both.
Attack your peers first, starting small, picking off the weaker ones like a predator.
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